Hi there! I started this website with several goals in mind, the primary one being communication. I believe communication, aka education, is The Key to community and knowledge, which hopefully, lead to wisdom and satisfaction. “We are here to be satisfied,” said Emma Curtis Hopkins, The Teacher of Teachers [of New Thought], and I can say that when I feel satisfied, there is nothing like it to bring peace and contentment – and joy - to my life!
I have found that writing and editing, for myself and others, brings me satisfaction; add some graphics and get a book, poem, anthology ready for printing and publication and it becomes serious fun for me. It may partly be because I don’t have a TV, and I love stories, so I get to hear other people’s stories while I help them ready their words for print. What do you call a voyeur of the written and spoken word? Well, that’s me.
My academic education is in sculpture and Spanish. My life education is ongoing and hugely diverse. I love photography and travel; my spiritual education is what really keeps me going; I have achieved a certificate of Divine Science Practitioner – a milestone of satisfaction. Seeds of Greatness is a lovely website which will give you a window onto the direction my studies have taken me: Please note that Rev. Ute Maria Cedilla, over 30 years of study, has compiled a wonderful book of Emma Curtis Hopkin's words: HighWatch, The Mysticism of Emma Curtis Hopkins, a spiritual practice. It has been an honor to format this book for publication. Timeless inspiration.
Continuing on the subject of communication, I have to admit to wanting a venue for show and tell. I became addicted to open mic for the spoken word some years ago, and when I moved to a town that had no poetry open mic, I started my own. Merrimac Mic's first meeting was in September 2013, retired on its tenth anniversary, proudly resulting in eight anthologies of our spoken words written down - quite a few illustrated with images, too!.
Let me encourage YOU to show and tell. My slogan is: You have a story and I want to hear it! If you are interested in telling your story, telling a family story, writing a manual or a text, publishing your poetry - or favorite photos - please get in touch. Bottom line: it is always about communication. WE ARE HERE TO EXPRESS. That is our Divine Purpose. And the payoff is our satisfaction!